Sylvia Pascoe

For a greater NCD #itstime

Making business and economic empowerment accessible to all.



Mama karai, yu wari
Papa sore, yu wari
Bata sanap, susa sanap
Yumi sanap na karim….

Pawa meri kam ya…yu karai na em harim
Pawa meri ron ya…bel hevi em bai karim
Power to the people, real change what we rallying
Pawa meri kam ya…the People’s Champion!

Verse 1/
Yeah…It’s going down till the bell or the rest of me
I bring it live with my will and every breath of me
Ready to serve all my people and they families
I’m gonna fight till my soul meet my destiny
My forefathers guiding every move that I make
My will is the cushion for the hits that I take
My body hurts but I pray my faith doesn’t shake
I hope I make it happen right, everyday I pray
Call me topdog cause I started from the bottom
Empower SMEs while the woodwork is rotten
The flesh is temporary but my spirit is a winner
Just so you know, I’m here to make a change for the!


Verse 2 (Pidgin)/
Diriman blo yumi, em bai yu na mi bai steretim
Didiman blo peles nid lo sanap, noken poretim
Yumi mahn na meri, nid lo putim han na halivim
Sigirapim rot bilong wokabaut na senisim
Strongim SME na givim gudpela save
Pawarim mahn na meri, displa singaut yu mas harim
Kirapim tingting na wokabaut na yumi lainim
Fire emi stap insait long yu, noken painim
Nau yu ken tuhat tumoro yu pulim win
Hanmak blo tutak bai kamap na surukim
Ol hatwok blo yumi bai kamapim marasin
Long stretim displa sindaun blo yu na yu na mi…olsem na!

Verse 3/
Hey akomai marakina ela buruka
Ita eda nihi, ita siboda baita durua
Bese iboudiai, laloa tamona baita atoa
Hanua maurina inohona baita hanamoa
Mauri eme auka ita boudai tame dika
Tama vouti namonamo noho namo bema mia
Una dainai, baita gini hebou bona baita raka hebou
Eda mauri baita hagoeva, hanua bema namo
Hahediba herevana name negea
Akomonai egu bese taudia ita be herea
Agini agini basio helai kuma
Baita gini hebou bona baita merere guna

Hook and outro/


Learn more about me, my leadership style and my values


Your vibe attracts your tribe, join the team now and become and ambassador for change


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Key values

My leadership style boils down to three strengths that I believe is key to achieving any truly society changing mission.


When the decisions that are made every day affect every part of our lives, we need leadership we can trust. Who do you trust with your life? Your livelihood? Who do you trust to take care of your children’s future? Honest governance is key to a greater NCD.


Being tested and tempted at every turn, leadership requires a strong will to forgo all distractions in order to deliver on the promises made to you. Integrity goes hand in hand with good governance. Who has the proven track record of delivering on promises.


With people being pushed out of homes, out of jobs, out of the way of development. We need someone willing to put its people first. No child, no woman, no man left behind in the name of development. Who do you turn to that will take the time to assess and understand your situation and help you to help yourself to a better future. Who do you believe will bring opportunity before crisis.

the people’s voice

Leadership we believe in

Remember the old quote give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for a life time? Yeah... Sylvia teaches you how to fish.... and she's proven so for years.
Klenneth Pompo
Png 4 Realz
There is so much support and in many ways under a great leadership, and we can and will pursue and prosper in our dreams, goals and carrier. Only if we have such brave and honest leaders like you Sylvia Pascoe, you have inspired us all. 🙏💗😊👍
Frank Kidu
Polycrew Youth
This is such an important election for so many's important to vote and support good leaders. I have loved the work of Sylvia Pascoe through the POM City Markets. When I read the Constitutional Planning Committee Report and the dreams of our founding fathers they placed a big emphasis on building the local economy through empowering small bsuiness and artisans. She is definitely on the right path and should be given our support.
Serena Sumanop
CEO Digicel foundation

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Sylvia Pascoe Official

Sylvia Pascoe Official

Making business and economic empowerment accessible to all through inclusive platforms.

At Apec Haus3rd year in a row, looking forward to another beautiful showcase of Png art. Art has massive potential, and I think pngs recent splash in Hawaii really gave us opportunity to not only shine but to light a fire in the belly of our art community. I’m looking forward to what they bring to the show this year 🙌🏽🇵🇬See you there ... See MoreSee Less
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KOIM URGES EXPORTERS TO REPATRIATE EXPORT EARNINGS TO EASE FX SHORTAGEMedia Statement - 17 JULY 2-24Today, during a breakfast meeting with the Lae Chamber of Commerce, Commissioner General of the Internal Revenue Commission, Sam Koim, while addressing other aspects of taxation, commented on the critical issue of foreign currency (FX) shortages affecting businesses in Papua New Guinea."One of the significant challenges facing businesses is the shortage of foreign currency,"Koim observed. The Government, through the Central Bank, has recently removed the trading band on the kina, allowing it to depreciate to achieve market convertibility. The underlying assumption for this intervention is that exporters would be incentivised to repatriate their export earnings back into the country, thereby obtaining more kina for every dollar"Koim pointed out that while this intervention could potentially alleviate FX shortages, it hinges on the cooperation of exporters. "There is no compelling mechanism enforcing exporters to bring their earnings back. The Central Bank had FX regulations, but we are unsure of its enforcement. This intervention will only work if exporters actually repatriate their earnings. Otherwise, the FX challenges will persist, and we will continue to double the kina for imports, exacerbating the cost of living for ordinary citizens."Making a direct appeal, Koim said, "I urge PNG resident exporters to repatriate their proceeds. One commendable example is Ok Tedi Mining, which brings all its proceeds back into the country, in US dollars. They then settle overseas obligations from PNG". He emphasised the broader benefits of repatriation. "Bringing export earnings back into the country will alleviate FX shortages, stabilise the exchange rate, and create a healthier, more resilient, and conducive business environment for all stakeholders". Addressing the audience, Koim noted, "I see that most of you rely heavily on imports for your business operations. I believe I am speaking on behalf of all of us. Some of you supply goods and services to exporters and in order to do that you need have access to FX; hence we need each other for this to work"He concluded by highlighting the current imbalance. "While everyone on the demand side is queuing up for access to FX, those who are supposed to supply FX are not doing so, opting instead to hoard their earnings in overseas bank accounts and bringing only operational funds into the country. Exporters have a moral obligation to repatriate their export earnings back into the country hence this call".Koim’s candid observations and heartfelt appeal underscore the urgency of addressing FX shortages to support Papua New Guinea’s economic stability and growth.Authorised for Release,Sam Koim, OBECommissioner GeneralInternal Revenue Commission PNG ... See MoreSee Less
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I wonder what sets these sports apart from others, Its often the same sports delivering olympians, correct me if I'm wrong but these three always give us a rep. Is it the coach, is it the sponsor, is it the athletes themselves? what's the winning formula#Sports A small team consisting of six athletes will represent Papua New Guinea at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, slated for July 2024.When making two announcements today on Team PNG, especially the final team size and the Flag Bearer PNG Chef de mission to Paris, Ryan Pini congratulated the six athletes - two from Swimming (Josh Tarere and Georgia Leigh Vele), Taekwondo (Gibson Mara and Kevin Mara), Weightlifting (Morea Bau) and Leoni Beu from Athletics, following their recent qualification under the universality places.To read more: #RyanPini #PNGAthletes #TeamPNG #PapuaNewGuinea #PNG #TVWANOnline #TVWANNews ... See MoreSee Less
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Vibe with me, beautiful Sunday at the markets 💗🇵🇬 ... See MoreSee Less
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People always ask me where to get succulents. Stock up Sunday with Mish's Exotic Blooms. ... See MoreSee Less
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